Behind the Scenes at The Right Hand Gal!
Posted on May 17 2016

As we proudly launch our new blog, we thought it might be a good opportunity to share a little about ourselves, Randi and Shawna, the ladies behind The Right Hand Gal, as well as the inspiration behind our brand. We are sisters who grew up in Montreal, Quebec. Though I (Randi) now live in Toronto with my husband and two beautiful boys, and Shawna and her husband reside in Montreal, we are inseparable as ever. Still the best of friends, distance can’t keep us apart. We speak 20 times a day and could not imagine working with anyone else. The great thing about running a business with family is the unconditional love that exists. No matter what happens, even when things get stressful or we disagree (and trust us, we do…) the next day, all is forgotten. You can have stressful moments, and then the next minute it’s “can you pass the ketchup?” Our bond is so strong that no matter what obstacles we face, we move past them quickly. You could go as far as to say we are unbreakable!
It has been a long road that has led to the development of our jewelry line, The Right Hand Gal. We are both entrepreneurs by nature, and have always been this way from the age of ten, when we began selling Avon products to anyone who would give us their attention. When we were just 16, together we designed a line of earrings that was eventually sold through Le Chateau stores across Canada. I (Randi) then when on to write jingles and musical scores for an assortment of Children’s books, while Shawna worked for a top electronics company in Montreal. Next, we co-owned a home rental and renovation company in Montreal, where we also designed high end bathrooms and kitchens.
Finally, we worked as personal shoppers for Montreal fashionistas.
It was in this role that we discovered the void between high end and costume jewelry. When looking for jewelry for clients, it was either Cartier or costume, with very few options in between. We saw an opportunity to fill this gap, and decided to start a business designing casual yet real luxury jewelry that women could buy themselves and wear from the gym to the red carpet!
We’ve always loved fashion and jewelry,so this felt like a natural next step for us.

As such, The Right Hand Gal was born. The business started right out of our basement ten years ago, and officially launched two years later.
I think we sold about five pieces our first year, but we persevered!
Today, I (Randi) handle all of our social media, marketing, web and print media, while Shawna is in charge of all production. We design all of our jewelry collaboratively, and handle all sales and strategizing as a team.
We have also (thankfully) brought on a wonderful distributor/ sales agency recently, and are hiring sales reps for the USA as we continue to grow.
We started off doing only private sales and home parties, but that has totally changed over the years and now retail stores have become our focus
in addition to our website. We also enjoy traveling and participating
in various pop up shops and exclusive trunk shows. So you never know....
we may pop up in a store or show near you!
We have enjoyed the journey thus far, and have had the opportunity to meet many incredible people, including some of Hollywood's most wonderful celebrities, which is a dream come true for us. We (naturally) have big ideas and plans for the future, so stay tuned! Our biggest dream, however, is for every woman to recognize The Right Hand Gal as her favorite casual luxurious jewelry line. Our tag line “the left hand is reserved for the misters, but the right hand is reserved for the sisters” is all about empowering women to be the very best they can be- confident, strong, passionate, and hopeful.
This philosophy is at the core of our business. Every piece we create stems from the desire to make women feel incredible and special.
Every piece is "real,”just like the women they are designed for.
We hope you enjoy our blog! Thanks for stopping by
Keep checking in to see our newest creations!!!
XO Randi & Shawna